What is Social Skills Training?

Challenges with social communication are a core feature of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). For example, people with ASD may experience difficulty making eye contact, interpreting non-verbal cues, initiating interactions, engaging …

Introduction to Parent Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT): What is It and How Can It Help You Parent Your Child?

One of the major goals of parenting is the socialization of children, during which parents teach their children to cope with the stresses of life in socially appropriate ways.  At …

When Should Parents Get Involved With School?

0Being a parent is a constant tight rope balance between support and enabling.  The goal is to eventually launch children into the world as productive and independent as they possibly …

Upside Therapy Spring Groups

Upside Therapy is pleased to announce our next round of group therapy opportunities!  With all of our groups, Upside Therapy offers complimentary intake sessions to determine if the fit is …